
Showing posts from May, 2015

Facebook's New Video Call to Action Option

Facebook has added a great new feature for your videos - a Call to Action that shows up when your video ends. When you couple this option with the great reach Facebook videos receive, this is a fantastic marketing tool. So, how does it work?  If you're posting a video directly onto your Facebook page (not copying the link from YouTube or another source), you can include a link at the end of the video along with a text button that suggests the viewer click to view the link. To add a call to action to your Page's video: Click Photo/Video at the top of your Page's Timeline and upload a video Click Add a Call to Action below the video Click No Button and choose the text you'd like to appear at the end of your video Add the web destination where you'd like to send people who've viewed your video You can also create a headline and describe the link Want to learn more about how Facebook videos are getting more reach than any other kind of post? Ch